First Bike Pixel Rear prototype ready

After a few weeks of planing, coding, proofs and tries and retries I’m pleased to announce that the first prototype of the BikePixel Rear is ready to go.

First BikePixel Rear prototype.

This version is based on Arduino Nano (actually a clone ;), our own PCB and a couple of other components (more information in the GitHub repository).

Imagen con los componentes básicos para el prototiopo
Basic components for the Bike Pixel Rear prototype.

The electronics are very simple and it is only necessary to connect the Arduino board with the PCB where you also have to solder the buttons with their corresponding resistances along with the RGB 8×8 LED matrix (WS2812B).

Image with all components welded
Arduino Nano connected to PCB and RGB LED Matrix

Finally all that’s left is to put everything in the plexi box designed to contain the electronics of the prototype and screw together all the layers and optionally also the Arduino plate (although it’s also enough to glue it with hot silicone).

Image with all the plexi layers that compose the box
Plexi layers for the box containing the electronics.

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